How to watch “The Incredible Adventure of Jojo” anime in chronological order

Anime Jojo has long been known, has many fans, this series is about the incredible adventures of a young man named Jonathan, living in Britain in the late 19th century. However, his father decided to adopt another boy. Even though Jojo was initially quite friendly, Dio’s half-brother always behaves very well in public, exemplary, but secretly mocks Jojo.

The basics of the anime plot

In the plot of the anime, Dio’s half-brother, who has been adopted, decides that he may well become the sole heir of this family, so Jojo has to fight for his life. Events take place in different countries, worlds, so many fans have allocated certain frameworks, how to watch the entire anime series. The fact is that some series were released as adaptations, as live shows, so, first of all, you need to determine how to properly watch this series.

The first to watch is the series Knights of Stardust. The first movie is The Incredible Adventures, then the movie was removed from distribution, essentially for the reason that it did not like the creator of the manga itself. The series The Incredible Adventures of Jojo appears, which is about Jojo’s grandson, who lives in Japan. He loves his mother, and when she falls ill, his grandfather shows up. He takes his grandson on a trip to Cairo, where Dio lives.

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It’s worth noting that the manga was actually first adapted back in 1993. There were only six episodes. Also worth noting is the anime The Incredible Adventures of Jojo, the indestructible diamond. This anime is about a very different Jojo. He lives in a small town where there is a magic stand. An arrow hits a man, and a great power awakens in him. Jotaro, an oceanologist, finds himself in the town and his goal is to pick up this artifact. All viewers become like participants in this anime. Their task is to find the indestructible stand. It was on the anime Indestructible Diamond that the action was made, and the film is a tape that lasts almost an hour and a half, and starts the story of the main characters.

Then the anime So Said Kishiba Rohan, this is one of the characters of Enduring Diamond, who goes to the countryside with the manga creator, they buy a house there away from the hustle and bustle. However, they discover that there are several millionaires living next door who have managed to get rich at the age of 25. They become interested in the matter, and once they get into the house of one of the millionaires, they are subject to the power of a scary creature and they cannot leave the house, according to certain rules.

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Best order of episodes to watch

Also worth noting is the new Incredible Adventures, The Golden Wind. Jojo here is about Jorno, who was raised in an orphanage, where he was able to join a major gang. He falls under the wing of the gang leader. Various super-secret assignments are presented here, lots of adventures. At the same time here they face many dangers, finding themselves inside the mafia squabbles.

Jorge Stone Ocean is about Jolene, who is based in Florida. She is essentially Jojo’s daughter, and she finds herself in prison, she has a complicated relationship with her father , but has his gift – a locket that helps to raise her stand – that is, her power. However, the situation is not ordinary, because the imprisonment was part of a plan that was directed against the whole family. It is also worth noting that the manga itself has two more parts, but the adaptation has not yet been made. Now, however, the first arc of the series is still coming out, so many fans are eagerly awaiting the continuation of the Jojo story. They are always exciting, full of adventure, struggle, travel, so fans follow each character, even though they are constantly changing, but they all share a common bond with the first movie and the main character.

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This anime is considered by many to be interesting and exciting with lots of characters and dangerous adventures. There are many issues in the series about kinship, friendship, fighting between families, and other important points. Many have become fans of this anime and loved each character and followed the development of the storylines. This is a great opportunity to watch all the episodes in the right order and follow the development of events.

  • “The Incredible Adventures of JoJo” (2012).
  • “The Incredible Adventures of JoJo: Phantom Blood” (a movie thought to be lost, 2007).
  • “The Incredible Adventures of JoJo: Knights of Stardust” (2014).
  • “The Incredible Adventures of JoJo” (OVA, 2000).
  • “The Incredible Adventures of JoJo” (first adaptation, 1993).
  • “The Incredible Adventures of JoJo: Knights of Stardust 2” (2015).
  • “The Incredible Adventures of JoJo: The Unbreakable Diamond” (2016).
  • “The Incredible Adventures of JoJo: The Indestructible Diamond Chapter I” (live-action film, 2017).
  • “That’s What Kishibe Rohan Said” (OVA, 2017).
  • “The Incredible Adventures of JoJo: The Golden Wind” (2018).
  • “The Incredible Adventures of JoJo: The Stone Ocean” (2022).

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