How to watch “Transformers” movie in chronological order

How to watch “Transformers” movie in chronological order Chronological order

Transformers is a whole series of movies that is popular and studied in detail by fans. Each movie tells the story of the confrontations, the stories of the characters, and the chronology of events is also studied. This movie is perfect for those who love sci-fi and action movies. The fact is that to date, six films of this franchise have been released, and many people who encounter these films for the first time want to know in what sequence it is best to watch them.

Features of the Transformers franchise.

Some series is a prequel, some on the contrary a sequel, some are related to the overall plot, some are not. It is known that the first picture Transformers appeared in 2007, it is about how the young Sam learns about the existence of Transformers, and he also happens to be part of the robot wars, which turns out to be lasting for centuries. Autobots and Decepticons are involved in this clash. They are all intelligent robots capable of transforming into different machines. The main character decides to be on the side of the Autobots, and in doing so help save the humans.

The second part of this franchise appears in 2009. The main character is the same guy Sam, but this time he is already finishing school and wants to go to college. He has to move, but he will have to leave the girl he loves and the robot that lives in his garage. The hero tries to forget all the events that were 2 years ago, but due to some circumstances, he should again plunge into the life of robots and show all the courage to help the robots and survive humans.

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The new installment of Transformers. Dark Side of the Moon also continues the story of Sam and the fight between the robots, but the reason for the conflict now is that the humans have landed on the moon and that this information has been hidden from the humans. This creates a conflict between the Transformers and the regular humans, and Sam tries to avoid the consequences. Now the Autobots and other robot representatives have already united to defeat the inhabitants of our planet. Some people have long hated robots, so this issue must be resolved immediately.

How to watch all parts correctly

The Age of Extinction part came out in 2014. Humans are busy rebuilding the world from the destruction that was caused by the previous war. They try to make contact with the Decepticons, but it turns out that there are also other Transformers who know about the existence of the planet with humans, and they have already managed to come into conflict with humanity.

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In 2017, three years later, the movie The Last Knight appears. It was the harshest war that could occur between the inhabitants of planet Earth and the intelligent machines. In 2018, another version of Bumbley appears. Just tells the story of how the story of the Transformers began, how they hid from their enemies, how they ended up on earth, how they met with humans. This story turns out to be a prequel, that is, it is the full story of how the interaction between the Transformers and humans began. Many experts believe that it is best to watch the movie exactly in the order in which they were released.

The main feature of this franchise is that there is almost always a main character, Sam, around whom the story is built, so it is much better to watch, because if it were a movie entirely about only robots, it would not have so many fans. It’s also worth noting that there is a new Transformers movie coming out in 2023. It also relates to this theme. The story of the robots begins, that is, if we consider the timeline, it can be attributed to the initial scenes. The events take place in 1994, telling the story of how the robot universe came to be. This is the seventh installment, and here the main characters are the Autobots and the maxims, all of whom unite to save the earth from attack. New humans also appear – military experts who must confront this rebellion.

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The last story is the story of all the relationships between humans and robots, but there is no clear-cut decision whether to watch all the series of movies in a row. In any case, Transformers is a separate world, which has impressed many fans, they closely follow each series, different nuances and wait for the release of new interesting series.

  • “Transformers” – 2007;
  • “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” – 2009;
  • “Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon” – 2011;
  • “Transformers: Age of Extermination” – 2014;
  • “Transformers: The Last Knight” – 2017;
  • “Bumblebee” – 2018 (reboot of the series);
  • “Transformers: Rise of the Beastbots” – 2023

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