Essay on the topic “My future profession”

Essay on the topic "My future profession" Essay

Profession is the most important thing in a person’s life, because it is thanks to it that a person lives a full life and can turn his plans and dreams into reality. Choosing a profession should always be approached with responsibility, because going to your favorite job will be much easier and better than coming to the office every day to an angry boss and carrying out assignments that you don’t like.

When I was asked what future profession I wanted to choose, I decided that I wanted to be a psychologist. My choice was exactly that, because they are in demand today and help people overcome life’s problems. Of course, the goal of a psychologist is not just to help a person overcome obstacles that oppress him more and more every day. This profession should come from the heart, because a psychologist is first of all a friend who is willing to listen to all your experiences and give advice that can change the situation for the better.

Personally, I believe that psychologists are those people who make a great contribution to the lives of many people. Currently, this is especially important, because a person constantly suffers from various life troubles that knock him off the right path. A psychologist can help a person get out of a depressed state, overcome problems and teach them to love themselves.

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I quite often hear a lot of sayings that “Now there are a huge number of psychologists, why does the world need one more”, but I try not to pay attention to such words, because I have my own opinion about it. I very often notice a large number of young married couples in which one of the representatives is a psychologist, and frankly, I am delighted with how simply they solve their problems and questions. Since the psychologist clearly knows how the organism of any person is built, his internal state, emotional stability and many other different factors, then it is much easier to find a certain way to a person.

A psychologist is not just a doctor you come to for advice. A psychologist is a person who first learns all kinds of nuances and small details about you that seem unnecessary to others, becomes your closest friend, and only then gives advice. It is especially important to listen to such people, because they know better than anyone how to help any person.

The modern world every day demonstrates various problems in society, due to the constant development of technologies and not only. A particularly relevant topic at the moment is the large number of people who have a non-traditional orientation, and due to the intolerance of modern society, suffer from constant oppression regarding their orientation and appearance.

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Personally, I believe that a psychologist will be able to provide some help and advice to people who are afraid to speak about their own thoughts in public. He accustoms a person to the fact that it is normal to be different from others. A psychologist like no other can help solve both internal and external problems of a person. Also, one of the most important problems of society, from which many children suffer, is insufficient attention from adults and parents. All this then begins to depress the child and, in extreme cases, he commits suicide. In this case, the child must be referred to a psychologist, because in such an emotional state, she will not be able to express her own thoughts and position to her parents, and she will tell the person who will calm her down and help her.

I would really like to be a child psychologist, because I really like talking and playing with small children. I will probably be able to help and listen to them, because I myself was going through a difficult period in my life, but at that time my parents refused to take me to a psychologist. Currently, I struggle with my problems on my own and suffer from constant oppression from my peers, because I cannot fight them back.

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To be honest, such a situation in the twenty-first century is not news. I still cannot understand how everything happens in such a way that a person still has not learned to be tolerant towards others.

A psychologist has two sides of the profession: positive and negative.

The positive side is that a psychologist struggles with his internal problems during training, and later helps others to overcome them, because he already has some experience in this. However, the negative side is that when psychologists give certain advice to people with life problems – they are more likely to blame the psychologist if their problems are not solved. But if you look at the situation objectively, it is not enough to just listen to the psychologist’s advice – you must follow them.

It is especially important to come to a psychologist when you have no one to talk to and talk about your troubles in life. I really want to help people who have moral problems and help them find the right way to overcome them together.

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