What does the song “369 – Cupid” mean?

What does the song “369 - Cupid” mean? songs

What could a band called “Cupid” be singing about? Most likely, about tender feelings, about anguish and joy of lovers, who were struck by an arrow of a winged god with many names – Cupid, Cupid and so on. And if the song is called “369,” it most likely refers to the secret code of the lovers that allows them to exchange intimate messages incomprehensible to curious outsiders. But let’s not jump to conclusions; let’s listen to the lyrics and hear what the song’s creators have to say about it.

The history of the song “369”.

The performers themselves reject the conspiracy theories invented by the fans of the group, and say that the combination of numbers 3-6-9 (“three – six – nine”) is the “fish”, created while working on the song, which sets the rhythm to the melody and has nothing to do with the final content of the song. In addition, these numbers have a magical meaning and are considered “lucky” since ancient times. After all, “three” evokes associations not only with the school mark “mediocre,” which a perfectionist teacher values more than an A, but also with faithful friends (“Three Musketeers,” “Three Comrades,” “Three Bogatyrs,” and so on). Also “three” is part of the magical spells that help to enchant the beloved or return an unfaithful lover. And if this number is multiplied by 2, 3 and so on, it will possess double and triple power!

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In addition, the repetition of magical numbers helps one enter into a trance and observe with his own eyes heavenly visions and grotesques like those dreamed by Salvador Dali, Gustav Dore, Hieronymus Bosch and other great visionaries. In addition, judging from the lyrics of the song, its hero is already stoned. He is drunk from both the wine and the hottie who has stopped by the bar, and he doesn’t hesitate to speak directly about how he feels, not caring if other bar-goers are listening to his confused speeches either.

The meaning of the song “369.”

So, this song invites us to drop in on a night out at a bar that seems to have the most fantastic and unlikeable guests at this time of day. Like the long-necked goose who, instead of cackling “I’m hungry!” drained a bottle of wine, followed by another, yes so confidently and calmly, as if he were swallowing pure water. Or the monkey, who put a bar of tobacco in his mouth and chewed it, spitting it out in all directions like a natural-born American. The greedy critter choked, choked, and the whole merry company went to heaven in a fast boat. This repetitive refrain sounds like a children’s counting rhyme or a sadistic rhyme full of black humor, the kind that children and adults like to quote from time to time. But what happened next looked even cooler!

So, our hero saw a stunning beauty, the mere sight of which made the most talkative tongue go numb, and his heart sank right into his gullet and fluttered there like a frightened hamster. But the guy pulled himself together in a flash and invited a girl named Claudia to dance with him to cheerful music and encouraging cheers from the other bar patrons, who were cackling and whistling and clapping their hands like avid soccer fans. “Watch me dance, baby,” he mumbles, moving tirelessly to the rhythm of the music. – It’s easy, one-two-three.” Devouring the young lady with a burning glance, the young man imagines the tricks they will do when they are alone, and he has no doubt that the girl is willing to share his passion, and maybe even show him a master class in the art of love. “Honey, you’re hotter than pepper!” – he whispered, seeing how the beauty rotates her seductive torso and luscious ass, bounces in the dance and generally ready to give himself to him right on the dance floor, not embarrassed by the presence of strangers. And when she winks at the hero of the song, the guy ascends straight into seventh heaven, not fearing immediately to plunge into the swamp, and just waiting for the girl to give him a sign for further exciting games.

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